Almiraa68 Is Live On Stripchat: Hello 🥰 Bye 👋🏻 I Change Outfit 👙 Thay đổi đồ Squats *5🤧 Ngồi Xổm 5 Lần 🦋drink Water-喝水🥛Uống Nước 🦋aw, So Cute Baby-非常可爱🥰 🦋 Hug You-拥抱你 🩵 🦋my Smile-我的笑容☺️Cười 🦋stand Up-起来đứng Lên 🦋show Feet-秀脚🦶Chân 🦋kiss U - 吻你 💋 🦋luck At Me -看着我 🫣 🦋 休假 Day Off ♥️ 🦋Pm - Nhắn Tin 🦋long Minute Sex Dance 🤤 🦋sexy Dance-诱人的舞蹈 😍❤️ 🦋Lovense 5 Min 🦋Lovense 10 Min 🦋Sing A Song 🦋 Slap On The Butt X10- Tetmog 🦋Pour Water On Your Chest-nuoc 🦋Hands Behind,bouncingonthecha 🦋Squeezing Almira’s Breats-bóp 🦋Drawing On Chest-vẽ V1 🦋My Beautiful Baby 👅 🦋face The Wall&stick Your Butt Sex Position (on Request) 🤪 🦋 Shake Your Chest (15s) Lacng 🦋 Hit The Chest X10-tatnguc 🦋 Butt Shaking (10s)- Runmong 🦋Pinch Your Face-捏你的脸(Véomặt) 🦋 Motionless(15s)一动不动 Bất động 🦋 Wear Socks&tear Them Roughly 🤤 Sexy Panting-Thở Hổn Hển20s 😜 Sexy Tongue Licking-Liếm ưỡi 🫦 Dance Sexy And Seduce Me 🦵🏻 Raise Your Feet To The Sky 🦋 Jump Up 5 Times-Nhảy Lên5l 👩🏻🦽 Sitwithpaper In Yourmouth15s 🤣1 Hour Overtime 🦋Doggyput His Feet Onthe Table 🦋Blindfold - Bịt Mắt 🫣 蒙住眼睛 🦋 Lip Lock-Khoá Môi🫢 掩护我的 🦋Stretch Your Underwear-Búngl 🦋 Do As I Ask 🦋Doggy 🦋Wear Socks As Required 🦋M-shaped Legs 🦋show High Heels 🦋Don't Stop.
Hello 🥰 Bye 👋🏻 I Change outfit 👙 thay đổi đồ Squats *5🤧 ngồi xổm 5 lần 🦋drink water-喝水🥛Uống nước 🦋aw, so cute baby-非常可爱🥰 🦋 hug you-拥抱你 🩵 🦋my smile-我的笑容☺️Cười 🦋stand up-起来đứng lên 🦋show feet-秀脚🦶Chân 🦋kiss u - 吻你 💋 🦋luck at me -看着我 🫣 🦋 休假 day off ♥️ 🦋Pm - nhắn tin 🦋long minute sex dance 🤤 🦋sexy dance-诱人的舞蹈 😍❤️ 🦋Lovense 5 min 🦋Lovense 10 min 🦋Sing a song 🦋 Slap on the butt x10- tetmog 🦋Pour water on your chest-nuoc 🦋Hands behind,bouncingonthecha 🦋Squeezing Almira’s breats-bóp 🦋Drawing on chest-vẽ v1 🦋My beautiful baby 👅 🦋face the wall&stick your butt Sex position (on request) 🤪 🦋 Shake your chest (15s) lacng 🦋 Hit the chest x10-tatnguc 🦋 butt shaking (10s)- runmong 🦋Pinch your face-捏你的脸(Véomặt) 🦋 Motionless(15s)一动不动 bất động 🦋 Wear socks&tear them roughly 🤤 Sexy panting-Thở hổn hển20s 😜 Sexy tongue licking-Liếm ưỡi 🫦 Dance sexy and seduce me 🦵🏻 Raise your feet to the sky 🦋 Jump up 5 times-Nhảy lên5l 👩🏻🦽 Sitwithpaper in yourmouth15s 🤣1 hour overtime 🦋Doggyput his feet onthe table 🦋Blindfold - Bịt mắt 🫣 蒙住眼睛 🦋 Lip lock-Khoá môi🫢 掩护我的 🦋Stretch your underwear-Búngl 🦋 Do as I ask 🦋Doggy 🦋Wear socks as required 🦋M-shaped legs 🦋show high heels 🦋Don't stop